
2018 tours program, Volcano Specials & African lava lakes

Sun, 16 Jul 2017, 07:51 | BY: TP
Nyiragongo's lava lake in June 2017 (photo: Ingrid Smet / VolcanoDiscovery)
Nyiragongo's lava lake in June 2017 (photo: Ingrid Smet / VolcanoDiscovery)
Looking at one of the active lava lakes in Ambrym volcano, Vanuatu (photo: Yashmin Chebli / VolcanoDiscovery)
Looking at one of the active lava lakes in Ambrym volcano, Vanuatu (photo: Yashmin Chebli / VolcanoDiscovery)
Eruption Special to Ibu and Dukono volcanoes
Eruption Special to Ibu and Dukono volcanoes
Stromboli volcano in eruption - a not-to-miss chance to see volcanic activity from close: on all of our Italian tours
Stromboli volcano in eruption - a not-to-miss chance to see volcanic activity from close: on all of our Italian tours
Camp at Dukono volcano (photo: Thomas Spinner)
Camp at Dukono volcano (photo: Thomas Spinner)
For those of you already looking ahead to next year, we are happy to present our NEW 2018 TOUR SCHEDULE: a colorful palette of tours to volcanic destinations in Greece and Italy, the African Rift Valley, Indonesia, Kamchatka, Vanuatu and Hawai'i. Although always focused on the region´s active volcanoes, each itinerary is unique as we also take along the local culture, wildlife, history and gastronomy.
Different tours require a varying physical effort depending on the sportive challenge you are looking for. Some of our programs furthermore incorporate extra time and the best locations for photography or concentrate solely on a single volcano whose activity we observe for a number of days in a row.

Please have a look at our online tour calendar to discover your next volcano adventure and feel free to e-mail us with any questions you might have!

Upcoming Indonesia Volcano Specials

For those of you still looking for a volcano adventure in the nearer future we can suggest our upcoming volcano specials in Indonesia which mainly focus on observing the activity of a (few) volcano(es):

5-18 Aug 2017: Volcano Special to Ibu, Dukono and Lokon, Indonesia
This somewhat challenging expedition on Halmahera and in North-Sulawesi gives you the chance to see some of Indonesia's most active, but rarely visited, volcanoes from as close as possible!

20-24 Sep 2017: Sinabung Volcano Special, Indonesia
One of the most remarkable eruptions in recent years, Sinabung volcano on Sumatra has been in eruption since late 2013. Viscous lava continues to arrive at the summit and regularly breaks off to generate glowing avalanches and explosions. This tour gives you a good chance to see this activity and learn about the dramatic changes the eruption has caused to the area around and the people living with the volcano.

Classic volcano itineraries in Italy and Indonesia this autumn

We also still have spaces left on the autumn group departures of our by now classic Indonesian and Italian ca 2 weeks volcano adventures which besides world famous volcanoes also explore local culture, food and history:

5-20 Sep + 1-16 Oct 2017: From Krakatau to Bali, Indonesia
This relatively easy itinerary crosses Java from West to East, starting off with a few days camping on Krakatau and ending on Bali. Its program and focus are optimized in order to provide excellent conditions and locations for photography, a range of volcanic phenomena to explore, varied scenery and to introduce you to the local culture and gastronomy of this beautiful country!

13-27 Oct 2017: The Volcanoes of Italy - The Grand Tour
The perfect trip for those wanting to combine learning about volcanoes and undertaking a few good hikes with world renowned history and gastronomy! Volcanologist Dr Tom Pfeiffer guides you from Vesuvius and the classical ruins at its feet via the volcanic Aeolian islands to Mt Etna on Sicily. Southern Italy is the cradle for the modern science of volcanology and hence the best place to get up close with some of the most (in)famous volcanoes!

Africa´s lava lakes - the perfect winter destination!

Of the handful of continuously active lava lakes on our planet two are located in the East African rift valley, namely at Erta Ale shield volcano in Ethiopia and on Nyiragngo strato volcano in DR Congo. As we have 10 years of experience organizing volcano expeditions to both these destinations, why not join us this winter to observe the beautiful and unique spectacle of an actively boiling lake of lava?

Desert, salt and volcanoes - a 14 day expedition to the Danakil desert in Ethiopia
This is a true adventure exploring the volcanic activity in the hottest region on earth. Starting in the highlands around Addis Ababa you slowly make your way down into the Danakil depression, taking in the changing landscape, fauna and flora along the way. We are the only company offering 3 full days to explore Erta Ale, the shield volcano that has been enormously active in the past 7 months and as a consequence now has two eruption sites! Besides one day at the colorful and unique hydrothermal deposits of Dallol we also allow enough time to explore the salt lakes of Afdera and Assale as well as the salt caravans and traditional salt cutting. And the new program now ends with a full day visit of the UNESCO world heritage site of Lalibela, 12-13th century churches carved into red volcanic tuffs!

Niyragongo lava lake and mountain gorillas - an 8 day expedition in DR Congo and Rwanda
A 1400 m ascent of the famous Congolese strato volcano is rewarded with stunning views across its 1,2 km wide summit caldera with its dramatic vertical cliffs and the world´s largest active lava lake bubbling away some 400 m below. As the only company we program 2 full days / 3 nights on top of Nyiragongo, to maximise observation possibilities as weather conditions can temporarily obstruct the view. The unique experience of spending time up close with Virunga National Park´s magnificent mountain gorillas and driving through the beautiful landscapes of West Rwanda complete this tour. But we can help you arrange a number of short extension programs if you wish to further explore the wonderful wildlife of the land of a thousand hills!

Tip: Look at the photo diary of our most recent Nyiragongo lava lake and mountain gorillas.

Previous news

12 / 07 / 2017

Nyiragongo volcano & Mountain gorillas: tour photos June 2017

Ingrid Smet´s photo diary of our 4-11 June 2017 Nyiragongo lava lake and mountain gorillas expedition in Rwanda and DR Congo, as well as some safari images of the 2 days extension she afterwards undertook in Akagera National Park. ... Read all
08 / 07 / 2017

Volcano Special 5-18 Aug 2017: Ibu - Dukono - Lokon

As Ibu and Dukono remain highly active, we propose a new Volcano Special from 5-18 Aug 2017: join us in a small group on an adventurous expedition in order to spend multiple days for close observation of Ibu and Dukono! ... Read all
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